Complaints & Feedback
Complaints Form
Complaints Process
We are committed to providing a high standard of accommodation and service to our tenants. However, we understand that issues may arise, and we want to ensure that any complaints are handled promptly and fairly. Below is our comprehensive complaints process designed to address and resolve any concerns you may have.
Step 1: Initial Complaint Submission
If you have a complaint, please follow these steps:
- Submit Your Complaint: Write to us detailing the issue. You can send your complaint via email, postal mail, or through our online complaint form available on our website.
- Provide Contact Details: Include your name, contact information, and accommodation details in your complaint to help us address your concern effectively.
Contact Details
- Email: Hector@duncan-smithgroup.com
- Postal Address: 65-67 Cadnam Close, Birmingham, B17 0PX
- Online Form: Submit a Complaint
Step 2: Acknowledgment and Response
- Acknowledgment: We will acknowledge receipt of your complaint within 48 hours.
- Initial Response: We aim to provide an initial response within 7 working days, detailing the next steps and any actions taken so far.
Step 3: Complaint Resolution
Within four weeks of receiving your written complaint, we will:
- Rectify the Breach: If we identify a breach of the Code of Standards, we will take immediate steps to rectify it.
- Correspondence: If the allegations are contested, we will enter correspondence with you or your representative to resolve the issue.
For further details on the resolution process, please refer to Appendix 2: Complaints-Resolution Procedure.
Step 4: Escalation to the Code Complaints Procedure
If your complaint is not resolved within a reasonable time through our internal process, you can escalate it to the Code complaints procedure.
- Link to Code Complaints Procedure: National Codes Complaints Procedure
Step 5: External Review and Tribunal
In cases where the complaint cannot be resolved through our system; A complaints investigator will get in touch with the student directly. In which case, we will be required to pass details within 48 hours of receiving the request.
If a formal complaint remains unresolved, the Complaints Investigator may refer the matter to the Tribunal. The Tribunal has the authority to:
- Determine if a breach of the Code has occurred.
- Make recommendations for resolution.
If we do not comply with the Tribunal’s recommendations, we may be deemed in breach of the Code, and this breach will be made public and available to prospective occupants. The Tribunal also has the authority to exclude any Member from the Code.
Compliance with Directives
We will accept and comply with any directives given by the National Codes Audit Panel within set timescales.
Appendix 2: Complaints Procedure
Complaints Procedure Flowchart
- Breach of Code Alleged
B. Matter Raised with Accommodation Provider
- Resolved?
- Yes: No further action.
- No: Proceed to step C.
- Formal Complaint Submitted to Codes Complaints Investigator
D. NCA Contacts Provider Outlining the Complaint and Requesting a Response
- Resolved?
- Yes: No further action.
- No: Proceed to step E.
- Matter Referred to Chair of Tribunal
- Resolved?
- Yes: No further action.
- No: Proceed to step F.
- Chair Considers the Complaint and Has Two Possible Courses of Action:
- Chair’s Ruling: Chair decides, in consultation with Vice-Chairs, if case is serious enough to be referred to the full Tribunal. If not, the Chair makes the ruling and details appear on the National Codes website.
Complaint Outcomes - Full Tribunal: Complaint is heard by a panel consisting of a maximum of nine people – Chair; two members of the consortium (at least one from NUS); three owner representatives; one person from the local authority; one person from the local students’ union; and one person from the educational establishment (where appropriate). Owner and occupant(s) will attend to state their case. Tribunal’s decision will be posted on the National Codes website and remain in the public domain for three years.