Best ways to socialise at University
Here at Premier Student Halls Birmingham, we all know that socialising is a huge part of university life that no student should miss out on. However, many students lack the knowledge of how to socialise with others in their student halls or in the general university environment.
If this is the case then these students may need some help to find more friends and get out & about. Socialising is very important for everyone since it’s the way through which we can form relationships that may prove to be lifelong. Here are some ways in which you can socialise while at university:
Ensure you go to communal areas to hang out
Many students unknowingly ruin their chances of making important social connections by choosing to spend time in their rooms. This is because they are happy to just spend hours and hours in their rooms after they’ve moved into their student halls and have made their rooms homely and nice. The temptation is high but you have to resist that urge. Don’t opt to only sit there watching Netflix and playing your games. Instead, head to the student hall communal areas like the kitchen or lounge so that you get to create great memories with housemates and friends.
Join a sports team
By taking up a new sport, you’re making it possible for you to find ways of easily socialising at university. There are so many sports clubs available nowadays, you will always find something that you enjoy. This way, you offer yourself a great way of meeting new people who may have similar interests as you. It becomes much easier to begin forming social bonds in such sports. Most sporting teams at the university also have lots of social events which means you will always have something in your calendar.
Seek a part-time job
Depending on the workload that you’ve got at uni, you can opt to look for any kind of part-time job, this will open doors to more socialising outside of work with your new colleagues. Another factor that will influence whether or not you’ll be able to work part-time apart from the class workload is the other commitments you may have for yourself. With part-time jobs, you can greatly expand your social circle out in the society. The great part of this way of making social connections is that you get to earn some income as well.
Organise or join group activities
Organising or joining group activities is a great way to socialise with people from your class or course or even with the housemates. Group activities offer a nice way to socialise with people when they’re in an environment that’s relaxed. Some of the best group activities to take part in include mini-golf, bowling and paint balling. The aspect of competition is a good way to put your new friendships to the test.
Join a society
In order to interact with like-minded people, societies provide a great opportunity. An ex student, who now owns and runs a menswear shop in Liverpool is a huge advocate of societies. They also enable you to enjoy some of your interest that would otherwise lie dormant. There are numerous societies that you can join in the society, running into hundreds. You can check the website of the student union for the available at the university or you can attend the freshers’ fair to learn about the societies in the university.
With all of these fantastic ideas, you will never be short of plans during the week. Why not think about which of these might be your favourite then go and get involved! Life is better with friends, so get out of your student halls and have some fun.